Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Emma's Third Birthday

Hard to believe my baby turned 3!!!  I'm not a fan of throwing big birthday parties, but a June birthday makes the logistics much more manageable!  We had a beautiful Sunday to celebrate Emma's birthday with all of our friends at the East Middlebury playground.  We had a great turn out.  The kids got to play, and the parents were even able to catch up a little!  

I think we had something like 20 kids?????!!!!!!!  Watch out, the kids are starting to out number the parents!

Emma's new balance bike! 

Emma's new "suitcase"

This is Emma at her day care celebration

A very proud 3 year old! 

Chuck with his birthday balloon delivery!  He never fails to deliver on the big day! 

Later that day at Gramma Net's house.  Playing in her new tent with cousin Henry!

Later that night, opening a gift from the Mangilits while we video chatted with them on the computer. 

Gogo thinks our couch is kind of lumpy...

The "too cool for school birthday girl" and Gumma and Gogo!