Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cooper Update

Cooper is growing so fast, right before our eyes. He continues to talk more and more, and has now started asking the question "why?" I like to try to answer him as much as possible, but after about the 5th "why?" in a row, the answer is no doubt, "because mommy said so." He LOVES singing and dancing right now. He knows many nursery rhymes, but his favorite song is still the theme song to "Bob the Builder". "Bob the Builder...Can we fix it?...Bob the Builder...Yes we can!" I think this is where O'Bama got his slogan.


Over the last month, Isabel's mobility has significantly improved. It is rare that she is still laying down in her crib by the time we get into her room. A few mornings ago, she was especially proud of herself, as she was sitting up with both feet dangling out of the crib rails.

Isabel's Crawling

About a week ago, Isabel started crawling. While she started younger than Cooper did, she has not taken off as quickly as Cooper did when he learned to crawl. Isabel still likes to sit and play in one spot, but is really enjoying the freedom of being able to go get a toy out of her reach. This has definitely gotten Cooper's attention. He's already started to become much more possessive of "his" toys. While he's always been so gentle and loving with her, the tables are starting to turn. It is not rare for him to hit her on the head with a toy out of the blue, or to simply reach over and push her. Oh we go. Fortunately, these negative behaviors are not the majority, but I'm sure this is only the beginning. She's also started trying to pull herself up onto her feet. Fortunately, she's not able to yet, but I see lots of bumped heads in our near future. But for now, she's very content with her crawling. Here's a little clip from last week, though she's already much more efficient than in the video! Needless to say, this has already made her parent's lives a little more busy as we can no longer leave the room and expect her to stay in the same place!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend