Monday, December 7, 2009

Isabel's Big Steps

It has been very exciting the last week watching Isabel start walking. She was taking a few steps last week, as you can see in the first video. And today she has been all over the place. She can now easily stand up on her own and no longer needs us to set her up to walk. She is quite motivated and continues to do it more and more. She's a quick study. Check it out for yourself!
On a funny note, we have a penguin that sings "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" (you can see in the second video), and the first few times Cooper played it he thought that the last words were "Merry Breakfast"! So cute!

Sorry for the orientation of this next video. I keep forgetting that when you turn our camera to the side, the video comes out sideways. Hopefully you'll get the idea!

Thanksgiving and Gramps' Birthday!

What a Thanksgiving we had! We spent Wednesday and Thanksgiving morning with the Perines and Leggetts and got to spend some good time (though never enough) with cousins Eva and Alice, and all the aunts and uncles. We had turkey dinner with everyone in Vermont early afternoon, then got into the car and headed to Virginia! Thankfully, the kids were wonderful in the car and we made it down there in record time. We had a great time down there as we celebrated Gramps' 60th birthday on Friday night with the family, and then on Saturday night with a big surprise party for him with family and friends. As you can see, it was not only a 60th birthday party, but a "60's" theme party! It was a great time. Cooper especially liked playing with his cousins, Ryan and Jackson.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Introduction of the spoon

One day I figured I may as well try Isabel with a spoon. I can't remember when I did this first with Cooper (as I neglected to write anything down, and haven't learned my lesson the second time around). She did quite well for the first time. Here are a few clips.