Monday, October 31, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011


 It's been an exciting fall watching Cooper in his first organized sport, gymnastics.  Cooper has always been a little slow to warm up to new things, and after our failed attempt at swim lessons last winter, I was shocked when he agreed to do gymnastics class.  And much to our happy surprise, he's loved it.  Yesterday was our 6th of 10 classes.  They've done balance beam, spring board, bars, tumbling, and even started to learn cartwheels.  It's been fun for everyone!


Well, it's probably been 2 of the most challenging weeks of my life (I hope).  Between having three kids 4 and under, getting back to work after 4 wonderful months off, and spending 5 nights at the pediatric floor at Fletcher Allen with Emma to ultimately undergo surgery for an infected lymph node, and Josh being in the middle of midterms for 2 of his MBA classes, it's been about all I can  handle!!  I'm so happy and grateful to report that Emma is doing great and is about fully recovered.  Just a couple more days of antibiotics and we can hopefully put this behind us!  I have to throw a huge shout out to all of the doctors, and especially nurses and LNAs at Fletcher Allen.  They were amazing and so supportive and comforting. It was quite a surreal experience to go through.  While it was scary on one hand to be in the hospital with your 4 month old (and to have her go under general anesthesia-that was the worst part), it also made me feel very lucky and comforted at the same time.  When I started to feel sorry for myself for being in the hospital with Emma, I would walk the halls and realize that we are SO fortunate and blessed.  My heart really goes out to all of the families who are dealing with much more dire circumstances.  I can't imagine that pain and heartache that they go through.  Thank goodness for the "angel nurses" for the wonderful care they provide.  All in all, Emma tolerated the whole ordeal wonderfully.  She really was never very uncomfortable so that made it all easier to deal with.  The other hard part was being away from Cooper and Isabel for days at a time.  Thank GOODNESS for all of our wonderful family and friends who were able to help us take care of them, and even provided some meals for us!!!  A special thanks to Gogo and Gumma (who was a huge help despite not feeling her best), and to Grammy and Gramps for making the long trip up here for a few days.  Couldn't do this without you all!  I'm not very organized with my pictures at the moment, so I'm just going to throw in a bunch from the last few weeks.  Thanks again to everyone and thankyou God for watching over my baby!

The little lady with her IV in.  Amazing little girl barely cried when they put it in!  She tolerated that much better than she did her 2 month shots!

Mommy and Emma passing time making faces in the bathroom mirror.  We had a few little toys, but it was amazing how creative we had to be without out Bumbo seat, swing, bouncy chair, play mat...

Finally one of the nurses brought in a bouncy chair for us the second to last day we were there.  It was a welcome change of pace for us!  

Smiles with silly Gramps! 

Grammy taking good care of Emma

Emma's first football game (this is an old picture from a few weeks ago)


Isabel taking Cooper for a ride