Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pre-Christmas Activities

 Gingerbread house making with Grumma.

Cranberry Bread.  The kids loved putting the cranberries into the food processor. 

Cooking making with Aunt Kristi, Aunt Kate, and cousin Alice.   

Then finally Christmas Eve with just our family.  We left a snack for Santa and then read the Night Before Christmas before turning in.  Christmas pics to come soon....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Waiting for the Quinns to Arrive

Grammy, Gramps and Aunt Casey should be here soon for a New Year's visit!  We're so excited we had to find something to do to pass the time until they get here.  This is what the kids came up with...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Isabel's #2 Birthday

What a great birthday celebration we had for Isabel last night.  We had a pizza party, then opened gifts and of course, had cake.  The big hit of the night was the table and chairs and tea set from Aunt Sue Perine.  The tea party lasted the whole party, and has resumed this morning after coming downstairs!  Isabel had a great time and was an adorable birthday girl.  We had a great time with the Middlebury family, but really missed all the rest of the relatives!

The Birthday Girl! 

The beginning of the tea party (and the end of the interest in any of the other presents)! 

Cooper loved this just as much as Isabel did.  I don't think he played with a truck all night! 

Thanks Aunt Kate, Uncle Reeves, and Cousin Alice for the adorable clothes (not pictured is the cutest little tutu)!

My attempt at being creative.  Isabel at least knew it was a cat!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

First Snowy Day

Today was the first snowy day that we got to go outside and play.  We have about 6-8 inches of fluffy snow and it's not too cold yet, so it's really great playing weather.  We took quite a little walk over to Gramma Net's house and sled down her little hill, then the kids decided they wanted to shovel off her porch for her.  Isabel is taking after her brother with her love for shoveling!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Linsey & Mark's Wedding

So, I'm WAY behind on my posts, as I've been sufficiently reminded by my sisters and sister in law.  I was going to start with our most recent pics, but figured I can't leave out Linsey and Mark's wedding that was the first Saturday in October.  It was a GREAT wedding and overall trip to Virginia.  And a huge thankyou to my mom who came down to watch the kids for us as we were busy with wedding events.  It was a HUGE help.  So, here are the pictures, in no specific order...

Family picture in the church 

The girls

Grumma being a big hit with the kids.  (For some reason, Jackson really liked to rub Isabel's ear, and she was surprisingly compliant).

 The kids had a great time dancing in the beginning of the reception before they got too tired.  I think Isabel loved dancing the most.  She was all over the dance floor.  I'll have to try to find a video of this!

This was not very in focus, which is too bad, because it's a great shot of the family.

This was taken the night of the rehearsal dinner.  They dress up pretty well!