Monday, February 28, 2011

No more "Paci"!!!

We had a monumental moment this past Monday.  It was President's Day so Isabel and I had the day off, but Cooper still had school.  It was a nice girl bonding day for us!  We've been a little concerned in the recent past that Isabel has seemed to be more and more attached to her pacifier.  Cooper got rid of his on his own at about 6 months of age as he found his thumb, but Isabel has had to have her pacifier for naps and bedtime for most of her young life.  We decided to try to get rid of the pacifier sooner rather than later so for some reason I felt a sudden urge to start this process.  We had a nice shopping trip in Burlington with Gumma, and decided that Isabel could get a Dora doll (she's currently obsessed with Dora), to sleep with in  substitution for her pacifier.  While in the store as I described our new plan, Isabel started to cry and ask for her pacifier.  It didn't last for long, but I certainly had my doubts.  But I was not going to give up easily, so when we got home, I explained things again and we seemed to have a break through moment when Isabel got on board with the plan.  

I'm happy to report that this has been a remarkably easy transition for us.  Isabel has only once asked for her pacifier but was easily distracted.  She truly is getting to be a big girl which makes her mommy a little sad.  She loves to call herself "Big Girl" now.  If only we can convince her that big girls go pee and poop in the potty, then we'll be all set!  

Quinn Family Band

Saturday, February 19, 2011


So we originally started Cooper on skis last winter, but just the kind that you slide regular snow boots into. A few weekends ago we got him into actual downhill boots and skis and took him up to the Snow Bowl for the first time.  He was quite cooperative while fitting his boots and getting measured for a ski helmet (much to my surprise).  But once we started to actually get on all of the ski equipment and head outside, it took a turn for the worse.  Once outside we had probably about 20 minutes of screaming and crying and refusal to move in the skis at all.  Isabel followed suit and didn't want to put on her little set of skis either.  After much contemplation by his parents about whether or not to throw in the towel, (but good advice from Grampa Gogo and Grumma to stick with it), Cooper quickly turned the corner and had a great morning getting used to being on skis and even going downhill.  We took him up the next morning as well and had to drag him OFF the mountain.  Hoping to get back out there this weekend too!  Oh yeah, and finally Isabel agreed to put on her skis and joined in the fun a bit as well! 

Cooper's buddy Luke showed up at the end and they had fun racing down the hill.