Wednesday, May 18, 2011

3 Weeks and Counting...

Well we're just under the 3 week mark for the arrival of baby #3.  We're getting quite excited but very nervous as well.  We feel like we just got the 2 kid thing down and now we're throwing another one into the bunch!  I'm most excited right now to see the kids with the new baby.  They are so excited.  They are hugging and kissing my belly and practicing the songs that they'll sing to the baby.   Cooper is hoping for a boy and Isabel for a girl, so we'll see!  I'm hoping the excitement of the baby will overcome any disappointment that they might have that it's not what they wanted!

We've been trying to get lots of stuff done around the house (both inside and outside) before our lives take a more hectic turn.  I had absolutely no intention of even trying to potty train Isabel before the new baby came, but a couple weekends ago she decided she wanted to start, and so it began!  It is SO much easier than with Cooper!  She's doing really great despite still having about an accident a day.  She's just starting to tell us when she needs to go instead of us having to keep her on a schedule which is nice.  I'm totally prepared for a set back when the baby comes, but at least we won't be starting from scratch!

My two big kids (sniff, sniff...)

Here are a couple funny videos.  Cooper has enjoyed being the big brother and showing Isabel what to do!   (And no, those aren't poops on the floor, they are rocks)!