Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"I gettin' dizzy!"


A very busy Easter week/weekend!  We started off by dying eggs which was a big hit.  The bonus is that the kids actually like to eat the hardboiled eggs too!  

This is Easter morning, after opening Easter baskets and getting ready for the egg hunt before church.  It was really cute how much they enjoyed the hunt.  

This is them laying out all of their goodies!  

Getting ready for church.  Cooper of course put up a HUGE fight to wear his button up shirt, but finally the parents won!  Isabel LOVED getting into her Easter dress and looked adorable!  Thanks to Grammy and Gramps for the beautiful dress! 

The next picture is Isabel at the second egg hunt of the day at her friend Elle's first birthday party (rescheduled from the day before).  It was a great party, lots of fun.  Cooper didn't make it though as he was golfing with Dad and Gogo.  They had a blast and of course, Cooper had to be dragged off the course kicking and screaming.  Golf is definitely one of the few things that Cooper's had unwavering interest in.

The below pictures are of the Easter egg hunt #3, 4, 5, 6 at Sue and Crock's house for the family dinner that afternoon.  It was unbelievable how much the kids enjoyed the hunts.  They made us hide them 4 times!  The eggs were empty after the first round, but they didn't care in the least!  Very fun, and very tiring day!

This is Isabel's second outfit of the day.  I love that she loves to get dressed up!  Thanks Aunt Casey for the adorable dress!  

Our little hopping bunnies! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cooper's Fourth Birthday

The birthday festivities started the night before as we made cupcakes for school.  Cooper really enjoyed this.  He mixed the different colored frostings and loved putting on the sprinkles on.  He really likes to do most cooking/baking activities.  Isabel isn't as interested yet, but she did like to help with the sprinkles.  

Cupcakes for school
The Birthday Boy!!!!

A new spiderman bicycle.  We at least got a "a new spiderman bicycle!  Thanks!" out of him before the balloons quickly became the favorite gift of the day.  They provided hours of entertainment.  Needless the say the bike is still in the garage unridden.   Let's just say Cooper doesn't like to try new things unless it's on his terms and his decision.  So we'll see...this bike may end up fitting Isabel before Cooper even tries it!  

We had a pizza party that night with (most of) the Leggetts, Roys, and Sargents.  All of the Viriginia relatives and Grumma and Grampa Gogo were greatly missed!  Cooper was a great sport as he tolerated Isabel starting to open most of his gifts before he did (notice the little hand grabbing away)!

I think the funniest part of the whole birthday process was then morning after when Cooper came up to me crying saying "Can I be 3 again?"  I asked why and he said "I don't like being 4!"  Like I said before, Cooper's not much for new things.  He likes his comfort zone!  We'll see if he decides he likes being 4 before he turns 5!