I hope all the mother's out there had a great day. We had a great weekend and were enjoying some much needed down time after a successful week in New York, and the end of Josh's classes until the fall. The weather was great, and even the kids were well behaved! We ventured out for our first family "hike." We walked the trail from Goshen to Silver Lake. It was the first time any of us have done this trail and it was perfect for the kids. It was .6 miles long and with just some rolling hills. The walk in was a breeze, and we had a lot of fun at the lake throwing sticks for Sadie and wading in our feet. The kids started to get tired as we headed back, which made us nervous, but if we kept them distracted, they moved right along. We only had to stop and rest once on the way back. It was quite a success! We then had a great dinner with Gramma Ali and a nice visit from Gramma Net. We did miss Grammy and Gumma though!! We love you all!

Isabel is quite into accessorizing these days. Today she ONLY had two headbands on. Usually it's at least 4. While we convinced her to leave behind the bracelets, she did insist on wearing the backpack (with a few toys in there). Much to our happy surprise, she carried it the whole way!
Cooper enjoyed being the leader for most of the hike.
Emma had a blast in the back pack. Her first time in there. I think she just enjoyed being outside.
Holding hands (I had to get a picture, as this brother-sister love is sometimes hard to come by these days)!
A very happy mommy!