Between the awesome weather we've been having and finally having a free weekend at home, this past weekend was filled with a lot of good family time. Friday started off with the girls having story time. Then on Saturday we did some yard work, then Josh took the kids to the putting green, then we all went up to deer camp to celebrate St. Patty's day with some of the Leggetts. Then Sunday, Cooper got to go to a friends house for the morning, and Isabel had her first play date. She invited Sarah ("Sawah" in Isabel language) over to play. Emma took a good long nap in the morning so I got to spend some fun time with the 2 girls. They had a blast and got along so well. It was really fun to see Isabel playing with her own friend and not just one of Cooper's! Meanwhile, Josh got to play 18 holes before lunch. After naps, the whole family went to the golf course. Emma in stroller, and the two big kids in the cart. It was quite an ordeal, but very fun. Hard to believe it's still March!!!

My almost 5 year old!!!
Isabel and "Sawah"
Story time
Who's the cutest? Emma is now getting into crawling position frequently, but has yet to make forward motion. When that happens, not sure how I'm going to handle it!
The whole fam at the golf course. Josh was at the bar buying us beer during this picture. We thought we might need them...
Cooper has not lost interest in golf at all since he started to love it about 2 years ago. He had been talking about going to the golf course constantly for a week when Josh first mentioned the possibility that the course would open early. He actually did really well and has pretty good endurance. We made it through 4 holes, but Cooper definitely could've done more. Next time we'll let the boys go. I think the girls just slowed them down!
Emma was awesome in her stroller. She was fairly content as long as she had a saltine or bottle in hand. She went through about half a sleeve of saltines!!! And sadly, this is the last picture of this bottle that you'll ever see. It got dropped on the golf course at some point. Won't that be quite a find for some random golfer out there!
And here she is! Isabel didn't have quite as much interest in golfing, but loved to be outside and ride in the cart. Her favorite thing was playing in and raking the sand traps. She did manage to swing the club a few times, and looked awfully cute doing it!