Friday, September 16, 2011


 The kids are so fun right now.  We're all enjoying the end of summer.  Everyone's back at school and daycare so we're enjoying being back on a schedule.  2 more weeks and counting for me to get back to work.  Here are some recent photos.  Emma is just growing up way too fast.  She's so expressive now and is cooing and talking constantly.  She's happiest when she just sitting with someone who's paying attention to her and having a conversation.  





  1. Emma hasso much to say! She's quite the gossiper! She and Janet should make a date to video chat soon.

  2. Oh my goodness. I can't believe how much Emma is changing and growing! I want it to stop until I can get up to see her again soon. Love the I Heart GoGo shirts, great idea. Also, That picture of your dad as a really young boy looks very similar to Cooper!
