Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cooper Update

Cooper is growing so fast, right before our eyes. He continues to talk more and more, and has now started asking the question "why?" I like to try to answer him as much as possible, but after about the 5th "why?" in a row, the answer is no doubt, "because mommy said so." He LOVES singing and dancing right now. He knows many nursery rhymes, but his favorite song is still the theme song to "Bob the Builder". "Bob the Builder...Can we fix it?...Bob the Builder...Yes we can!" I think this is where O'Bama got his slogan.


  1. Birthday Buddy is getting so tall. How high is each block? I need to calculate...

  2. i know - cooper is so big! that's what reeves and i were saying after your visit. his legs are skinny - he's a growing boy! i love his sweet singing voice!!! i won't forget him whispering me the ABCs when you guys were leaving. soooo cute!
